
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Images
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 Bogus Bob is in another band and in China
I was on tour in China in 2005

 Bogus Bob is a tightrope (funambulism) expert
This is just a hobby

 Bogus Bob gets lucky
This, of course, was before I was married

 Bogus Bob is huge
My weight fluctuates

 Bogus Bob has trouble mailing a letter
I was disoriented for a few years

 Bogus Bob has quite a tan
This poor shoeless lady stopped to chat with me

 Bogus Bob likes Michele Bachmann
If you show me your midriff... I'll vote for you

 Bogus Bob is leaving the country
Looks like I'm being deported once again

 Bogus Bob is a master...
Practicing with my buddy 'Grasshopper'

 Bogus Bob loves to dance
I love to dance

 Bogus Bob is looking sharp
I am the bogus dude

 Bogus Bob is up to no good
Please dim your headlights

 Bogus Bob is a reflection
She's checking me out... or thinking of calling the cops!

 Bogus Bob serves Robert Mitchum a cocktail
Here's a real Bob (Robert Mitchum)

 Bogus Bob is flown like a kite
Now I'm a bogus kite

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 Bogus Bob