
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Images
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 Bogus Bob laughs at himself
Making fun of myself

 Bogus Bob and some childhood friends
Even robots have best buds

 Bogus Bob poses for an ad
I made a little money posing for magazine ads

 Bogus Bob get's lost once again
I'm lost

 Bogus Bob once worked at KFC
I once worked at KFC

 Bogus Bob wants to know 'Whatup dog?'
Whatup dog?

 Bogus Bob has a vivid imagination
I have a vivid imagination

 Bogus Bob helps make Independence Day fun
I like parades

 Some ladies don't like Bogus Bob
Some ladies don't like me

 Bogus Bob and 44 enjoy some of Rush's tea
I like Rush's Two If By Tea - 44 not so much

 Bogus Bob is safe
Mom always made sure I was safe

 Bogus Bob was framed
I was framed

 Bogus Bob likes McDonald's
I like McDonald's

 Bogus Bob was not a wiener
I'm not a wiener

 Computers changed Bogus Bob
Computers changed me

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 Bogus Bob