
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Images
Page 22

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 Bogus Bob is a big guy
I've gained a little weight recently

 Bogus Bob loves computers
I was a Commodore VIC-20 spokesperson

 Bogus Bob has nightmares
I have this dream several times a month

 Bogus Bob wins an Emmey
I won an Emmey for a documentary on the hammer

 Bogus Bob performs with Eric Clapton
Eric Clapton and I take the stage in Montreal

 Bogus Bob likes money
He's wondering what happened to the rest of his money

 Bogus Bob's head is huge
Receiving the 2011 Swollen Head Award
from President Obama

 Bogus Bob has a snack with some Afghanis
Making friends in Afghanistan

 Bogus Bob likes to sing
We sang a duet on this album

 Bogus Bob was a comic book hero
An ad in Texas for one of my comic books
(see the Lone Star logo?)

 Bogus Bob likes to swim
My first swimming instructor
(I'm not sure what I'm doing with my right hand)

 Bogus Bob is invisible
I can't believe she doesn't see me

 Bogus Bob is on the wall
Even Run-DMC thinks I'm for real

 Bogus Bob loves to tell you the news
I was a journalist in the '90s

 Bogus Bob loves to watch movies
Making movies

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 Bogus Bob