
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Images
Page 27

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 Bogus Bob loves the New Yorker in New York, New York
I always stay at the New Yorker
when I'm in town fighting crime

 Bogus Bob is the best man
I'm glad it's not me getting married

 Bogus Bob is abducted by a chicken
I was once abducted by a cartoon chicken

 Bogus Bob loves to sit down next to paper
I do all of my own decorating

 Bogus Bob drinks a beer
This happens every Sunday afternoon

 Bogus Bob loves pancakes
Off to the prom... then pancakes at IHOP

 Bogus Bob loves to tickle the ivories
I played piano for a few years in the '70s

 Bogus Bob loves Chinese food
Yeah... 'No blame us!'

 Bogus Bob loves fish
Could this be one of those missing pets?

 Bogus Bob is a stuntman
I just jumped over those flaming drums of jet fuel

 Bogus Bob is a crappy dancer
I'm doing the twist... she's doing the flop-out

 Bogus Bob is a drama queen
Back off or I'll jump!

 Bogus Bob is a smartass
Come 'ere - we wanna show you something

 Bogus Bob plays air guitar
How'd that sound?

 Bogus Bob has baggy pants
Christina Aguilera pops out of a limo pantless...
and I'm there!

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 Bogus Bob