
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Images
Page 37

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 Bogus Bob is practically blind
My favorite clown sweater

 Bogus Bob is Gandhi like
I attend a college dance during my Gandhi phase

 Bogus Bob likes Thanksgiving
My whole family loves turkey

 Bogus Bob is a dumb ass
I discuss the universe with Stephen Hawking

 Bogus Bob is really a patriot
Mila Kunis pledges allegiance while I do my bobble head impression

 Bogus Bob runs for his life from a Tyrannosaurus Rex
That thing is pissed!

 Bogus Bob has odd clothing and friends
I was quite short in my early teens

 Bogus Bob, Mark Zuckerberg and Snoop Dogg party down
Mark, Snoop and me

 Bogus Bob likes music
My visit with Johannes Brahms

 Bogus Bob is obvious
Hugh Jackman points out the obvious...

 Bogus Bob has many strange friends
I have no idea what we were trying to do

 Bogus Bob needs to drink more water
The largest kidney stone in the world

 Bogus Bob has most of his adult teeth
Goofing-off at the dentist's office

 Bogus Bob is not very direct
Directors Akira Kurosawa, Francis Ford Coppola and me

 Bogus Bob is not a housewife
I'm the only straight guy on the program

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 Bogus Bob