
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Images
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 Bogus Bob can act
Soon I'll need an entourage of my own

 Bogus Bob escapes
Once I realized my head was small enough - I escaped!

 Bogus Bob is a sportsman
I had a hand in the development of ping pong

 Bogus Bob and his mommy
My mom and her little bundle of joy - me

 Bogus Bob ate too much
My first wife fed us way too much

 Bogus Bob the pledge
This is the fraternity I pledged...

 Bogus Bob gets into a fraternity
...but I ended up in this fraternity

 Bogus Bob is angry
I hate this game!

 Bogus Bob gets arrested
I hope they give me back my Iris - I liked her

 Bogus Bob goes to prison
Heads are for kissing... not for tattoos

 Bogus Bob's dad dresses him up as a puppet
My dad and I performing a puppet show for our friends

 Bogus Bob loved the drums
I entertained all of the floors in my college dorm

 Bogus Bob and his first set of wheels
My first ride... and the ladies loved it!

 Bogus Bob was a bugler on the Union side
I was a bugler during the American Civil War

 Bogus Bob was once a baby
I've always had a big head

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