
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Images
Page 9

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 Bogus Bob takes a break
Home Depot won't allow me to use this device - I can only sit on it

 Bogus Bob fishes with his dog Teddy
Fishing with my Asian Water Pointer - Teddy

 Bogus Bob catches a huge fish
Here's how I fish now - noodling

 Bogus Bob is looking good
If we were any sharper... we'd cut ourselves

 Bogus Bob gets mad
I got mad... damn mad!

 Bogus Bob is attacked by a leopard
That leopard scared me so much I ran right out of my flip-flops

 Bogus Bob is pampered between blog posts
Blogging is tedious work - I need assistants

 Bogus Bob eats lunch
I stopped by to visit Chris Hansen and suddenly I'm on TV

 Bogus Bob usually likes fruit
I'm picking a few of these passion fruits to send to Susie

 Bogus Bob heavy - Sarah awesome!
Sarah always looks good - me on the other hand...

 Bogus Bob makes a discovery in his swimming pool
Look what we found in the swimming pool - a chupacabra

 Bogus Bob goes medieval on the chupacabra
This is how I killed that chupacabra

 Bogus Bob in the Pope's inner circle
Enjoying a position in the Pope's inner circle

 Bogus Bob lands in the Philippines with General MacArthur
MacArthur had to take me... I am the only one with binoculars

 Bogus Bob finds... a snake!
I'm not that crazy about snakes

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 Bogus Bob