
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Images
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 Bogus Bob would not fondle a lion
...and that's how you check a lion for a hernia

 Bogus Bob was Zsa Zsa's bodyguard
I was just her bodyguard

 Bogus Bob is not a dummy
I wonder what that guy is looking at?

 Bogus Bob needs a laptop
Writing my memoir

 Bogus Bob misses Gene Siskel
Gene Siskel and I watch a movie

 Bogus Bob won the Powerball Lottery©
I won the Powerball Lottery©

 Bogus Bob has numerous cousins
One of my cousins on my mom's side

 Bogus Bob is not British
I also fought with the British during WWII

 Bogus Bob and Mini-Bogus Bob
Me and Mini-Me

 Bogus Bob pumps iron
Stay focused if you are going to pick up heavy objects

 Bogus Bob had a kidney stone
I performed with the Stones during the '70s

 Bogus Bob is not dead
Being dead doesn't look all that comfortable

 Bogus Bob speaks Russian
I was a presenter in Russia

 Bogus Bob does not like gangs
Kids... don't join a gang

 Bogus Bob is not mad
Some folks say I am mad

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 Bogus Bob