
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Images
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 Bogus Bob likes to jump
I got hired for this gig because of my big jumps™

 Bogus Bob - the forgotten son
The Nelsons actually had three sons

 Bogus Bob likes to be safe
I'm on my way to buy a few more rear-view mirrors

 Bogus Bob in the mosh pit
I was the first person to go crowd surfing™

 Bogus Bob - not a big thinker
I prefer to think inside the box

 Bogus Bob can't ride a motorcycle
I owned a Honda© dealership in the '60s

 Bogus Bob is not a businessman
My secretaries

 Bogus Bob is hallucinating
In some countries I am revered as a sexual totem

 Bogus Bob never went to UCLA
I went to UCLA... to buy this outfit

 Bogus Bob likes to mingle
Hangin' out at The Hutch™

 Bogus Bob riding a bike
My Stingray©

 Bogus Bob has a medical problem
She's calling a doctor about my left hand

 Bogus Bob eats at Denny's©
Have you ever been to a Denny's© like this?

 Bogus Bob has an arrow in his chest
I'm not gonna let an arrow in the chest slow me down

 Bogus Bob looked at porn and smoked dope
I'm sorry... I got caught!

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