
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Images
Page 24

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 Bogus Bob made peanut butter
I was a pioneer in the peanut butter industry

 Bogus Bob is hiding
Where's Bogus Bob?

 Bogus Bob is a fake
They were on to me early

 Bogus Bob and Cher
Mid '80s

 Bogus Bob is a DJ
My first DJ job

 Bogus Bob likes art
I was an art historian in the late '90s

 Bogus Bob rides
Nice ride

 Bogus Bob in Dallas
Unfortunately... I was there

 Bogus Bob likes the ride
More awesome rides

 Bogus Bob sprains his wrist
It was just a sprain

 Bogus Bob looking for a new bunny
Will she measure up?

 Bogus Bob likes bunnies
They did

 Bogus Bob - How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
I liked Dr. Strangelove

 Bogus Bob wants to vote
Registering to vote... at the beach

 Bogus Bob is curious
Someone is stuck

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 Bogus Bob