
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Images
Page 25

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 Bogus Bob's family is different
A recent family reunion

 Bogus Bob is not the queen
The queen and her court

 Bogus Bob is nervous
I never stray more than 100 yards from an air raid shelter

 Bogus Bob is a con man
She is under my spell

 Bogus Bob was a mime
Mimes can only kick imaginary ass

 Bogus Bob likes scooters
This was quite the scooter pool

 Bogus Bob used to enjoy reading Time
Nice of Time to feature my web site

 Bogus Bob likes to sweat
One of us is in the wrong sauna - probably me

 Bogus Bob loves minibikes
My first motorcycle

 Bogus Bob likes two legs
I wonder where the other leg went?

 Bogus Bob loves Glenn Beck
My new job at GBTV

 Bogus Bob likes to stay supple
My weekly massage

 Bogus Bob loves political articles
More reading material

 Bogus Bob is a clotheshorse
I loved this suit - it fit me like a glove

 Bogus Bob is no Jack LaLanne
Some folks say I remind them of Jack LaLanne

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 Bogus Bob