
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Images
Page 30

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 Bogus Bob is alert
I like to see where I'm going and where I've been

 Bogus Bob was abducted but not probed by aliens
I was abducted by aliens

 Bogus Bob gets excited sometimes
Houston... we have a trouser problem!

 Bogus Bob learns how to code in HTML5
Never stop learning

 Bogus Bob loves to fart
Who doesn't?

 Bogus Bob loves playing the guitar
Still practicing

 Bogus Bob does not suck
Computers used to suck big time!

 Bogus Bob is driving the car
Don't tell them I took off my blindfold

 Bogus Bob is not a pimp
I'm the bag man for the bag lady

 Bogus Bob is not an Anglo
Gum for Anglos only

 Bogus Bob likes to swim
Swimming in the Dead Sea... little did I know

 Bogus Bob is not a dictator
Just weeks before I was deposed/assassinated
as leader of Bogusland

 Bogus Bob is yellow... not gay!
We are not holding hands

 Bogus Bob is still not a 99%
Another award from President Obama

 Bogus Bob is not the WikiLeaks anonymous guy!
I just drive the Wikileaks truck

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 Bogus Bob