
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Images
Page 31

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 Bogus Bob is not a stalker
I was 'observing' her

 Bogus Bob is there
I am here

 Bogus Bob has a special sweater
I wonder who invented knitting and why?

 Bogus Bob does not spank ladies
I do not condone this sort of behavior...

 Bogus Bob does not own a Macintosh Plus©
A Mac Plus©

 Bogus Bob gets kicked in the kök
In the kök?

 Bogus Bob is not dead
The rope is not tight... yet

 Bogus Bob poses on wedding cakes
This is just a side job

 Bogus Bob's dog likes to have fun
My dog is funny

 Bogus Bob is art
A marvelous work of art

 Bogus Bob has a big head
Three small faces and one big head

 Bogus Bob is a levitating dummy meditator
With the proper amount of meditation... one can levitate

 Bogus Bob lost a Croc®
Look what the escalator did to my Croc®

 Bogus Bob won't touch him
No way

 We need more Bogus Bob
Less is more

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 Bogus Bob