
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Images
Page 33

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 Bogus Bob rides Splash Mountain
No fear!

 Bogus Bob rides a high chair
New high chair

 Bogus Bob talking shop with Michael Caine & Liam Neeson
Caine, Bob & Neeson

 Bogus Bob does not wear braces
Cool suspenders

 Bogus Bob went to high school
High school friends

 Bogus Bob discusses the universe with Stephen Hawking
Earth to Stephen

 Bogus Bob hates donkeys
What's going on in the background?

 Bogus Bob hangs with Christopher Walken
Purple is a good color for Chris and me

 Bogus Bob likes animals
Another tiger lady

 Bogus Bob plays ping pong with Robert Redford
Bogus Bob and Robert play a little table tennis

 Bogus Bob is very bogus

 Bogus Bob is not an Occupy Wall Street protester
I've lost a lot of weight since then

 Bogus Bob likes FOX News
I'm a special consultant on FOX News

 Bogus Bob takes some time off
On vacation with the family

 Bogus Bob was an underwear model in the '70s
Another month... another magazine cover

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 Bogus Bob