
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Images
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 Bogus Bob was the lame half of 'Dueling Banjos'
You know what they say about a man with a huge banjo...
he's a dork!

 Bogus Bob never met Molly Ringwald
Molly and I had great chemistry filming this movie

 Bogus Bob likes puppies

 Bogus Bob is laughing right now
Jimmy Fallon always makes me laugh

 Bogus Bob has never been to Washington, D.C.
I was there when Bill Clinton met President John F. Kennedy

 Bogus Bob is not liked by everyone
David Bowie is pointing the door out to me

 Bogus Bob doesn't have two nickels to rub together
My fellow billionaire Warren Buffet

 Bogus Bob likes to go to the movies
I really really liked that movie

 Bogus Bob likes music
Hangin' with John Legend

 Bogus Bob & The Beatles are all taller than Jesus Christ
I didn't realize Jesus was so short

 Bogus Bob gets rolled by Rahm Emanuel
We're just friends

 Bogus Bob can't swim in that suit
Saving lives with Kurt Vonnegut

 Bogus Bob working as a roadie for 'The Boss'
I was a pretty hefty roadie for "The Boss" in the '80s

 Bogus Bob breaks bread with Marianne & Mick
Marianne, Mick & me

 Bogus Bob likes to swing in London
I never stopped swinging

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 Bogus Bob