
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Images
Page 35

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 Bogus Bob likes armadillo
I just picked up the main dish for our Thanksgiving dinner

 Bogus Bob is a scary dancer
First they made us into dancing monsters...

 Bogus Bob is not scary
...then they made us into cut-outs

 Bogus Bob likes Mila Kunis
We're just friends

 Bogus Bob sucks at poker
I'm tough to read when I'm playing poker

 Bogus Bob is not crazy about Stephen
Stephen Colbert makes fun of me

 Bogus Bob is a swinger in his own mind

 Bogus Bob kicks-ass with Chuck Norris & Bruce Lee
The trifecta of cinema carnage - Norris, Lee & Bob

 Bogus Bob working with Dustin Hoffman
Dustin is always goofing on the set

 Bogus Bob does not know Mr. Fox
Visiting Michael J. Fox in Canada

 Bogus Bob - not trouble

 Bogus Bob likes sixty-year-old vamps
I finally meet Elvira

 Bogus Bob likes Eric Clapton
Bill Murray introduces me at Eric Clapton's
Crossroads Guitar Festival 2007

 Bogus Bob is a fat bastard
I'm just retaining a little water

 Bogus Bob did not march in Selma
I was there

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 Bogus Bob