
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Images
Page 39

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 Bogus Bob is limber
I amaze my family with my traditional Christmas split

 Bogus Bob is not funny
Me, Sarah Silverman and Jeffrey Ross
relax before the Donald Trump roast

 Bogus Bob is not a samurai
Preparing for my yearly trip to Japan

 Bogus Bob is not sleepy
Russell Brand and I discuss comedy

 Bogus Bob loves hot dogs
Eating another wiener... at Pinks

 Bogus Bob is not devolving

 Bogus Bob loves Mad magazine
I am featured on another Mad magazine cover

 Bogus Bob did not know Yoko or John Lennon
The most popular Christmas card of the year

 Bogus Bob is not a Republican candidate for president
My fellow Republican debaters

 Bogus Bob loves coffee
I love coffee

 Bogus Bob can not sing
Singing Christmas carols at the White House

 Bogus Bob loves Star Wars
My favorite pillowcase

 Bogus Bob loves his parrot
Best Friends Forever

 Bogus Bob likes the ladies
I don't always hang out with women but... when I do

 Bogus Bob protecting 'Batman'
Providing security for Christian 'Batman' Bale

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 Bogus Bob