
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Images
Page 40

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 Bogus Bob gets a woody
I always get excited around Christmas time

 Bogus Bob becomes sterile
I think I know why I never had any children

 Bogus Bob pees his pants!
My aunt always gave me scary stuff for Christmas

 Bogus Bob slightly enjoyed Brokeback Mountain
Me and Jake Gyllenhaal write our names in the snow

 Bogus Bob is a punk
I was put up for adoption after this Christmas
card went out to 3,000 of my dad's clients!

 Bogus Bob is not the Terminator
Arnold lite

 Bogus Bob loves M&Ms
Pee-wee drops the M&Ms

 Bogus Bob likes birds & tractor t-shirts
Guess who that bird belongs to

 The trouble with Bogus Bob
Everyone is always shooting for the top gun

 Bogus Bob is from deep space
This explains a lot about my life

 Bogus Bob ate his house
My new sliced bread house

 Princess Leia & Bogus 'Chewbacca' Bob
Trick or treat in space

 Bogus Bob has never set foot on a movie lot
I made a few films

 Bogus Bob has never met Gloria Allred
I used to be a big guy with even bigger legal problems

 Bogus Bob appears in an off Broadway play
I'm not quite as stiff as my fellow actors

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 Bogus Bob