
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Images
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 Bogus Bob and Arianna Huffington  - computer consultants
Arianna & I starred in an instructional video

 Bogus Bob helps a Russian astronaut
I used to be a Russian rocket scientist

 Bogus Bob and Bill Gates mull over Windows© 8
Windows© 8 is going to be awesome

 Bogus Bob was never a boxer
I used to be quite slim - he's still quite fat

 Bogus Bob bakes some Christmas cookies
Just for you

 Bogus Bob rides the 'ponies'
I won!

 Bogus Bob loves extreme ironing
I can and have ironed anywhere

 Bogus Bob plays guitar with his trio
This was a very strange gig

 Bogus Bob freezes his balls off
I'm still experiencing some 'shrinkage'

 Bogus Bob and The Dalai Lama
Hello Dalai (Yeah... I know)

 Bogus Bob and his buddy catch a bear
Looks like our bear trap is working like a charm

 Bogus Bob spinning out of control
I hope I don't get sick

 Bogus Bob and Clint Eastwood
Best buds

 Rashida Jones, Ben Gibbard, Andy Samberg, Bogus Bob and Amy Poehler
Enjoying a little down time with the Saturday Night Live crew

 Bogus Bob goes riding with Harrison Ford
I like riding through the city with celebrities

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