
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Images
Page 5

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 Bogus Bob and his aquatic family
What a wonderful family I had...
before the drought

 Bogus Bob runs
Running for my life

 Bogus Bob has not evolved
Stuck in the evolution zoo

 Bogus Bob dated Casey Anthony - just once!
She was a handful

 Bogus Bob escorts Kate Middleton
I was Kate Middleton's personal bodyguard

 Bogus Bob interviews Fidel Castro
I interviewed Fidel Castro in 1998

 Bogus Bob loses a bet
I lost a bet

 Bogus Bob is a space cadet
I walked on the moon

 Bogus Bob participates in an Persian bodybuilding competition
I won a Persian bodybuilding competition in 2010

 Bogus Bob and his twin brother, Big Mouth Bill, take a dip
I levitate before taking a really, really quick dip...
my twin, Big Mouth Bill, observes from the shore

 Bogus Bob needs your donation... or else
Donate... or else!

 Bogus Bob likes some change
Change is good... so is Rush's tea

 Bogus Bob spins vinyl  in high school
Spinning vinyl in high school

 Bogus Bob tries his hand at Vatican comedy
Vatican jokster

 Bogus Bob is bad
Whatup mo fos?

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 Bogus Bob