
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Images
Page 6

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 Bogus Bob does not approve of these tattoos
That's an interesting tattoo

 Bogus Bob may be in trouble
I believe I have stepped in it

 Bogus Bob loves to act up
Maybe not the absolute last

 Bogus Bob and Iranian Rage Boy hold a Q&A
Iranian Rage Boy and I go on tour

 Bogus Bob wins a pair of gold-plated antlers
I just won a pair of gold-plated antlers

 Bogus Bob likes to hunt with a silencer
We are hunting for some peace and quiet

 Bogus Bob follows Meg Ryan around
Sometimes I like to wear a fancy coat
and follow Meg Ryan around

 Bogus Bob is not that sexy

 Bogus Bob rides a bike near restrained fans
People love to see me ride a bike

 Bogus Bob receives a Golden Globe
My first Golden Globe

 Bogus Bob gives someone the bad news on American Idol
Guess who was eliminated

 Bogus Bob in a skit on Saturday Night Live
Gerard Butler was great to work
with on Saturday Night Live

 Bogus Bob lobbying in Washington
Top dollar lobbyist for the book binding industry

 Bogus Bob stars with Russell Brand
I had to put on a little weight for this role

 Bogus Bob gives out advice
You get what you pay for

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 Bogus Bob