
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Thumbnails
Page 11

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 This is what I live for - fashion!    Some folks know me as 'Papa' Bob... the pizza man    Steve Coogan and I had fun making this road trip movie

 I played a modern day wise man in this Nativity story    Miley Cyrus stopped to say hello    I'm not sure why my shirt is off... it was a web site design contest

 I used to like Mad magazine    Office man    There's always a smart-ass in the crowd

 Who's that?    I'm just stopped going swimming in that river!    I think 'they' are trying to get rid of us!

 The last Japanese soldier in the Philippines surrenders    I hate to burst your bubble    Mom - can we keep him?

 Arianna & I starred in an instructional video    I used to be a Russian rocket scientist    Windows© 8 is going to be awesome

 I used to be quite slim - he's still quite fat    Just for you    I won!

 I can and have ironed anywhere    This was a very strange gig    I'm still experiencing some 'shrinkage'

 Hello Dalai (Yeah... I know)    Looks like our bear trap is working like a charm    I hope I don't get sick

 Best buds    Enjoying a little down time with the Saturday Night Live crew    I like riding through the city with celebrities

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 Bogus Bob