
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Thumbnails
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 I always get excited around Christmas time    I think I know why I never had any children    My aunt always gave me scary stuff for Christmas

 Me and Jake Gyllenhaal write our names in the snow    I was put up for adoption after this Christmas card went out to 3,000 of my dad's clients!    Arnold lite

 Pee-wee drops the M&Ms    Guess who that bird belongs to    Everyone is always shooting for the top gun

 This explains a lot about my life    My new sliced bread house    Trick or treat in space

 I made a few films    I used to be a big guy with even bigger legal problems    I'm not quite as stiff as my fellow actors

 I amaze my family with my traditional Christmas split    Me, Sarah Silverman and Jeffrey Ross relax before the Donald Trump roast    Preparing for my yearly trip to Japan

 Russell Brand and I discuss comedy    Eating another wiener... at Pinks    /Devo

 I am featured on another Mad magazine cover    The most popular Christmas card of the year    My fellow Republican debaters

 I love coffee    Singing Christmas carols at the White House    My favorite pillowcase

 Best Friends Forever    I don't always hang out with women but... when I do    Providing security for Christian 'Batman' Bale

 Who's the leader?    Looks like a slim Thanksgiving for me    No - I really had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

 Brainwashed? I would think a light rinse would be sufficient    For how long?    I did not win the nomination

 My very first apparel advertisement    Henry Ford, Bogus Bob, Warren Harding, and Harvey Firestone    Ever have this nightmare - fighting with Danny DeVito over a ham?

 Lou can't believe he's meeting me    Yes, I went to school with little Barry    I do my hair every morning

 Putting a few moves on Sophia    Remember the very first portable air conditioning unit?    I don't always drink beer but... when I do

 My favorite clown sweater    I attend a college dance during my Gandhi phase    My whole family loves turkey

 I discuss the universe with Stephen Hawking    Mila Kunis pledges allegiance while I do my bobble head impression    That thing is pissed!

 I was quite short in my early teens    Mark, Snoop and me    My visit with Johannes Brahms

 Hugh Jackman points out the obvious...    I have no idea what we were trying to do    The largest kidney stone in the world

 Goofing-off at the dentist's office    Directors Akira Kurosawa, Francis Ford Coppola and me    I'm the only straight guy on the program

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