
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Thumbnails
Page 9

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 I spent four seasons on NBC    Remember little Natalie Portman?    He was getting ready to probe us!

 I spent the summer on the Supreme Court    I discuss comedy with Steve Martin    I discuss philosophy with Gandhi

 Islamic Rage Boy receives the Employee of the Mouth award    Nice jacket    Steve tries to clear up a traffic ticket

 The VERY last airbender    Still hangin'...    As I recall... someone farted

 I get an awesome tattoo    That suit fits me like a glove    Oh No!

 I just picked up the main dish for our Thanksgiving dinner    First they made us into dancing monsters...    ...then they made us into cut-outs

 We're just friends    I'm tough to read when I'm playing poker    Stephen Colbert makes fun of me

 Swinging    The trifecta of cinema carnage - Norris, Lee & Bob    Dustin is always goofing on the set

 Visiting Michael J. Fox in Canada    Trouble    I finally meet Elvira

 Bill Murray introduces me at Eric Clapton's Crossroads Guitar Festival 2007    I'm just retaining a little water    I was there

 You know what they say about a man with a huge banjo... he's a dork!    Molly and I had great chemistry filming this movie    Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!

 Jimmy Fallon always makes me laugh    I was there when Bill Clinton met President John F. Kennedy    David is pointing the door out to me

 My fellow billionaire Warren Buffet    I really really liked that movie    Hangin' with John Legend

 I didn't realize Jesus was so short    We're just friends    Saving lives with Kurt Vonnegut

 I was a pretty hefty roadie for 'The Boss' in the '80s    Marianne, Mick & me    I never stopped swinging

 No fear!    New high chair    Caine, Bob & Neeson

 Cool suspenders    High school friends    Earth to Stephen

 What's going on in the background?    Purple is a good color for Chris and me    Another tiger lady

 Bogus Bob and Robert play a little table tennis    Yep!    I've lost a lot of weight since then

 I'm a special consultant on FOX News    On vacation with the family    Another month... another magazine cover

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