
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Thumbnails
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 I've always liked money    Enjoying a few home movies    Thank you

 Yep!    That would be awesome    I never touch the stuff

 You'll never guess who she is    My quiet room    A few of my relatives

 I can count to twelve on just my hands alone    It's just a theory    Relax with me

 Separated at birth    Fellow Star Wars cast members    Nope

 I was 'observing' her    I am here    I wonder who invented knitting and why?

 I do not condone this sort of behavior...    A Mac Plus©    In the kök?

 The rope is not tight... yet    This is just a side job    My dog is funny

 A marvelous work of art    Three small faces and one big head    With the proper amount of meditation... one can levitate

 Look what the escalator did to my Croc®    No way    We need more Bogus Bob

 I like to see where I'm going and where I've been    I was abducted by aliens    Houston... we have a trouser problem!

 Never stop learning    Who doesn't love to fart?    Still practicing the guitar

 Computers used to suck big time!    Don't tell them I took off my blindfold    I'm the bag man for the bag lady

 Gum for Anglos only    Swimming in the Dead Sea... little did I know    Just weeks before I was deposed/assassinated as leader of Bogusland

 We are not holding hands    Another award from President Obama    I just drive the Wikileaks truck

 I sat in for Keith Richards during a concert in London    A painting bomb    Guess what happened to me last night?

 Always best with a partner... see above    I am big-boned    How does he get pasta to shoot out of his nose?

 I like to sit in the dining car    Picking up a new liver    I like listening to music on the finest audio equipment

 I am a 99%    Technicolor arrives on the prairie    Mr. Gay was my wild animal trainer stage name

 What can I say... he likes me    My first bike was from Japan... as well as my clothing    It is not lame!

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 Bogus Bob