
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Thumbnails
Page 7

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 I am clean as a whistle    Watusi    Some folks think I'm a space cadet

 Question: 'How did I end up like this?'    Answer: 'I was with the Stasi in the early '60s.'    My first printer

 Killer?    Her first portable radio    My favorite ax

 A magazine about pressed pants?    I see dead people    We did the crime... now we'll do the time

 On my own    What?    I think she spotted me

 I always stay at the New Yorker when I'm in town fighting crime    I'm glad it's not me getting married    I was once abducted by a cartoon chicken

 I do all of my own decorating    This happens every Sunday afternoon    Off to the prom... then pancakes at IHOP

 I played piano for a few years in the '70s    Yeah... 'No blame us!'    Could this be one of those missing pets?

 I just jumped over those flaming drums of jet fuel    I'm doing the twist... she's doing the flop-out    Back off or I'll jump!

 Come 'ere - we wanna show you something    How'd that sound?    Christina Aguilera pops out of a limo pantless... and I'm there!

 Didn't I say 5:30 PM sharp at the pointy bra billboard?    I need to know    Ommmmmmmmmm

 I opened the first all lady body shop    First year of law school... I worked in the library    What are all these deer doing on my front lawn?

 Someone wants to censor me    I just couldn't resist    Where's Bogus Bob?

 Truth in advertising    Ignored    Out with the trash

 Yeah... we're talking to you    I'll bet Bo Diddley didn't have cool shoes like this    The first battery operated tape recorder

 A recent family reunion    The queen and her court    I never stray more than 100 yards from an air raid shelter

 She is under my spell    Mimes can only kick imaginary ass    This was quite the scooter pool

 Nice of Time to feature my web site    One of us is in the wrong sauna - probably me    My first motorcycle

 I wonder where the other leg went?    My new job at GBTV    My weekly massage

 More reading material    I loved this suit - it fit me like a glove    Some folks say I remind them of Jack LaLanne

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