
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Thumbnails
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 I love biking early in the morning    I was doing research for a term paper on inflatable dolls    I was on the R&D team for the first Walkman© radio

 I was as surprised as they were    County outhouse inspectors    Xray bomb

 As a doll I didn't make this little girl very happy    President Obama gives an excellent back massage    Stealin' bases

 It's all German to me    Not to be confused with Bo    Tiger women - with tiger blood -  taking a break

 Never stop on the railroad tracks    Excellent with brown rice and cabbage    Still dancing

 No one will ever forgot this wedding!    I was an original cast member    One of us is a dumb-ass

 We complement each other so boldly    Thank you Susie - what does it mean?    I'm waiting for someone to Photoshop something between my fingers

 I was very happy when they built a gate    My first and last convertible    I was the first door-to-door keyboard salesman

 I've noticed my head is usually the biggest in the lot    I'm ready to sprinkle powdered sugar on our brownies    That picture isn't awesome

 Thanks Rick for putting me in the zoo    I met this lady in the park... next thing I know I'm upside down    An out-of-date pasty? Oh no!

 I was on tour in China in 2005    This is just a hobby    This, of course, was before I was married

 My weight fluctuates    I was disoriented for a few years    This poor shoeless lady stopped to chat with me

 If you show me your midriff... I'll vote for you    Looks like I'm being deported once again    Practicing with my buddy 'Grasshopper'

 I love to dance    I am the bogus dude    Please dim your headlights

 She's checking me out... or thinking of calling the cops!    Here's a real Bob (Robert Mitchum)    Now I'm a bogus kite

 I'll never forget this day!    Discussing the cinema and photography with Orson Welles    One of the awesome suits I had as a young adult

 The 'Butt-kicking in Boston'... guess who won    I think she spotted me    One of the first to own The Beatles' White Album

 Chillin'    I'm not scared...    ...see

 A babysitter who enjoyed shooting into the backyard    Army days    How'd I get all of those red guys to carry me around?

 A smart ass who's about to be knocked on his ass!    Buds    The TSA strip searched me and finally found the Fourth Amendment

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