
 Uncle Sam


Bogus Bob's Thumbnails
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 I got hired for this gig because of my big jumps™    The Nelsons actually had three sons    I'm on my way to buy a few more rear-view mirrors

 I was the first person to go crowd surfing™    I prefer to think inside the box    I owned a Honda© dealership in the '60s

 My secretaries    In some countries I am revered as a sexual totem    I went to UCLA... to buy this outfit

 Hangin' out at The Hutch™    My Stingray©    She's calling a doctor about my left hand

 Have you ever been to a Denny's© like this?    I'm not gonna let an arrow in the chest slow me down    I'm sorry... I got caught!

 ...and that's how you check a lion for a hernia    I was just her bodyguard    I wonder what that guy is looking at?

 Writing my memoir    Gene Siskel and I watch a movie    I won the Powerball Lottery©

 One of my cousins on my mom's side    I also fought with the British during WWII    Me and Mini-Me

 Stay focused if you are going to pick up heavy objects    I performed with the Stones during the '70s    Being dead doesn't look all that comfortable

 I was a presenter in Russia    Kids... don't join a gang    Some folks say I am mad

 My first job right out of high school    Why's he pissed... I told him not to role up the bills!    Always practicing

 Oh shit!    I have a contractor's license    Drumming in my parent's backyard - circa 1955

 I'm the scientist who quantified bootylicious    I'm installing a disco ball...    ...to go with her disco pants

 I was the original Iron Man©    Giving one of many keynote speeches    I've been on the internet since Al Gore invented it

 What can I say... I like the ladies!    I like to keep an eye on my car    'Old soldiers never die; they just fade away.'

 Disappointed another one    I was sorry to see those pajamas wear out    I'm working on a formula to regrow my hair

 I am an artiste    I like pastels    My star was bright at the Star Bar

 I was also an excellent trumpet player    Don't worry... I know what I'm doing    I was one of the first models for Best Buy©

 I'm told my childhood friend became a politician    Yes... I worked at the C.I.A.    See!

 My first band mates    I like the acoustic guitar best    Just doing a little window shopping

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